El Croquis 215/216: Álvaro Siza (2015-2022)

Regular price $163


The magazine profiles Alvaro Siza’s recent work in this special edition. Featuring projects since 2015, it underlines why the Portuguese architect remains one of the most respected designers today. A variety of typologies and scales are covered, from extremely compact works such as the Clay Pavilion for teaching local earthenware techniques in Oaxaca (Mexico), a chapel in Miljana (Croatia) as part of a farmhouse restoration project, and an observation tower with lookout post in the Portuguese mountains, to prominent works like the Huamao Museum of Art Education (China) and the Gramaxo Foundation Headquarters in Maia (Portugal), and many more.

Format: Softcover

Language: Spanish/English

Size: 25 x 34 cm

Pages: 424


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