Tom Dixon: Dixonary

Regular price $49


In this chronological volume, Tom Dixon gives insight into his complete body of work. Flick the book one way to reveal a comprehensive catalogue of Tom's work and flick through the other way to see the numerous unusual inspirations. He transforms notions of plumpness observed in a painting of an overfed pig into an overstuffed sofa; or a fishpan from a Chinese supermarket literally into the seat of a chair; gigantic concrete sea defences on the coast of Japan become the distinctive shape of his famous stacked Jack Light.

Illuminations, revelations and post-rationalizations from the chaotic mind of Tom Dixon, where previously unpublished early experiments jostle for space with the latest industrial productions from this prolific self-taught designer.

"A book about me? I wasn't sure I needed one. I suffer from the possible delusion that I am still at the very beginning of my career, and that all my best work lies ahead of me." Tom Dixon.

Author:  Tom Dixon, Camilla Belton

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 632

Size: 15 x 4.5 x 21 cm


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